Do you like to go thrifting?

Do you like to go thrifting?

Do you like to go thrifting?

Do you ever go thrift store shopping?  What’s been your greatest find?  I haven’t found anything mind blowing, but I did find a Nintendo 64 for $15 just before Christmas!

I know there are a lot of stories of hidden gems found in them.  A recent one I read was about a woman in Richmond, Virginia who bought a colorful glass vase for $5 and sold it at an online auction for over $143 000!

Turns out the vase was made by an Italian glass company by an eccentric Italian architect, in 1942, by Carlo Scarpa.

Richard Wright, the founder of the auction house, said, “How such a valuable piece got separated from its sense of value and then got donated, is, you know, kind of amazing.”

How much of that is true about us? We were “…created in the likeness of God…” (Ephesians 4:24), and yet so many of us do not understand or know our true value. How much pain is endured because we don’t know this truth?

How many millions, or billions, don’t realize they were created in God’s image and believe they are worthless?

What a hope we have knowing that God will continue to seek us out, even if, or especially when, we have been discarded or put aside because others made us believe we are worthless.

He saves us, He redeems us. He reminds us of our true values.

What if every person could grow up with this truth?  How different would their lives be? We might not be able to tell every child about the good news of Jesus, but we will try.

The sooner they get off the goodwill shelf and into the hands of their Creator, the better.

“For the Son of man has come to seek and to save what was lost.” Luke 19:10.

Would you pray for tomorrow’s heroes?

Check out the complete story on the vase click here – HERE

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I hope your New Year is off to even better start than you could have asked for.


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