The seeds were planted long ago

The seeds were planted long ago

The seeds were planted long ago

I have often said that it is a “blessing” and “curse” that we often do not know the fruit of reaching kids with the gospel. It’s a curse because we can often be discouraged when we don’t see results. It’s a blessing because it keeps us humble. But, every once in a while, God gives us a glimpse of the impact we are having to keep us doing.

While this testimony is not a “CEF testimony”, it does testify of the importance of reaching kids with the gospel. This testimony was shared with us by one of CEF’s ministry supporters, Richard Winik and we hope it will encourage your heart today.

“I grew up  like ‘most’ children (without knowing Christ).  

Thanks be to God, He spoke to me through His Holy Spirit when I was a young man in my mid twenties and I came to realize that He truly is God and my Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer.  

Back in the day, as a young child in grade school, we would have an Assembly every Wednesday morning, and these “Church Ladies” (as I called them) would come and read the Bible to us, teaching the many interesting stories and also many children’s songs (Jesus Loves Me … and many many more).  

Even though I didn’t attend church since my family were not believers, these Bible Stories and songs stayed with me right up until my mid twenties when I became more and more disillusioned with everything going on in my life and with the world.  

Also – even though I didn’t know Christ personally, I would often pray at night in my bed and sing those same songs until I would fall asleep.   

Eventually I came to the Lord when He spoke to me one evening when some young Christians invited me for coffee at a gathering. I was so grateful!  I knew right then and there it was all real and true!  

The “seeds” planted by those “Church Ladies” long, long ago combined with God’s grace and patience with me that resulted in my coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus.  

Yours in Christ, 

Richard Winik

“The Lord bless and keep you. May He make His face shine upon you and give you His Shalom peace.”

*If you’d like to share a testimony of God working in your life as a child we’d love to hear from you! 


Whether you are able to give once, or monthly, we thank you for your unwavering support. 


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