What is The RTH Journal.

It stands for Reach Tomorrow’s Hereos. It’s a theme here at CEFOntario.

We write and record what God places on our hearts to share with our visitors of this site.

You’ll find things that make you laugh, cry and may even challenge you at times.
Everything we put on this site comes from a place of love and helping reach kids with the gospel.



It could easily be said that Christian ministry is, or at
least should be, driven by prayer. It seems fitting,
then, that the first post on our blog is about prayer.
But does prayeractually make a difference? If God
already knows what we need, why do we need to
tell Him? If He is sovereign, why does prayer matter?


Do you have a “way out?

Jim was happily married with young kids.  One day he came into an inheritance of $600,000.  You would have thought that would have brought some security to Jim and his family, but instead, Jim had months of stress and sleepless nights.   Jim couldn’t sleep because he couldn’t figure out how he could keep the $600,000 if he and his wife divorced! This is a true story I read in a finance magazine a few years ago. Jim genuinely loved his wife and kids and was committed to them, but this desire for a “way out” would keep Jim from ever

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Who does God Say I Am?

Who does God Say I Am? Who Does God Say I Am? For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 In part 1 we asked the question, “Who am I?” and discovered that we are more than our talents and associations. We are, in fact, a masterpiece of God’s making, a work of art, loved by the Artist. But what does that mean? In this post we’ll look at some of the things God has said about us that help

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What do I do?

Do you remember when you were old enough to get your driver’s license?  It was such an exciting time.  I remember getting the driver’s handbook, taking a driver’s training course, and spending three hours every week, for ten weeks with a driving instructor (I only drove for an hour, but had to be in the car while the other two students took their turns driving). Last February I took my oldest son, Brandon, to go for his G1 (I’m so thankful I didn’t have to deal with graduated licensing).  After he passed his test we got some takeout to celebrate

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It will work, trust me.

It will work, trust me. “What if we try it this way?” Jonathan, my second-oldest son said. “That doesn’t make any sense, I don’t see it,” I replied. “I don’t see how that works either,” Brandon (my oldest son), chimed in. “It will work.  Trust me.” Jonathan insisted. Reluctantly, we agreed.  And Jonathan was right, his plan did work! We were playing a co-operative board game at the time and were trying to figure out how we would overcome our latest obstacle and Jonathan had figured it out. As we played other board games I began to notice that Jonathan could see things that

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Be Intentional (#12 of 12 Things)

Do you ever fear for the future of our kids?Do you ever ask yourself what you can do to help them?Over 12 weeks I’ll be sharing one thing you can do to help the kids in your life grow closer to God. May God give you strength, wisdom, and joy as you reach tomorrow’s hero! #12 of 12 Things  Be Intentional When I was at CEF’s Children’s Ministry Institute, there was a teacher there who would often ask, “How’s your Jesus muscles?” referring to your spiritual growth.   Like bodybuilders have to be intentional about building their physical muscles, we have

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