World Day of Prayer is Coming

World Day of Prayer is Coming

World Day of Prayer is Coming


The reason so many fail in battle is because they wait until the hour of battle.  The reason why others succeed is because they gained victory on their knees long before the battle began.” – R.A. Torrey

Wednesday, November 1, 2023 is the annual CEF World Day of Prayer. CEF staff, volunteers and supporters around the world will pause their daily routines to pray. We will be praying with (via Zoom), and for other CEF workers, CEF chapters around the world, the church, and of course, the boys and girls.

There are two ways you can be a part of this world day of prayer:

  1. You can join us on Zoom to pray with us

  2. You can request the World Day of Prayer booklet that will have prayer requests from around the CEF World that you can pray over on your own time.

There are times I feel as though I am too busy to pray, but the Lord continually reminds me, “Five minutes before me in prayer will do more than a day’s worth of work.”  

Would you pray with us?

Please reply to let us know if you can pray with us and/or would like to receive the World Day of Prayer booklet. 

Whether you are able to give once, or monthly, we thank you for your unwavering support. 


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