Who is Stronger?

Who is Stronger?

Who is Stronger?

When kids hear the gospel, it helps them develop a biblical worldview and build a more accurate picture of who God is. Sometimes, it’s as simple as telling them that God loves them. Sometimes, it’s answering, “Why did God create the devil if God knew what He was going to do?”. Other times, it’s teaching them that God is more powerful than a superhero. Here’s one such story from David Guyatt:


“I remember teaching a Christmas party club and a kid coming up after and asking, “Who’s stronger, God, or the Hulk?”


I answered, “Oh God is way stronger.”


“Yeah, but the Hulk can lift an entire house with one finger,” he replied.


I said, “Yeah, but the Bible tells us God holds the earth in the palm of His hands.”

With eyes wide open, he looked at me and said, “WHOAAAAAAAAAA!”


It’s so awesome to see God getting amazed by how awesome God is.”


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