She Put Herself Out There

She Put Herself Out There

She Put Herself Out There



Communion cups were being handed out on the way into the sanctuary on communion Sunday.  

Just before we were going to partake in communion the pastor asked anyone without a communion cup to raise their hands so they could be given one.  Two older boys, brothers, sitting in front of us realized one of them didn’t have one.

They quietly whispered to each other, nudging each other to raise their hand so they could get another cup.  There seemed to be a little sense of panic, but also fear to raise their hands.  They didn’t want to stand out, they didn’t want to get noticed, but they both also wanted to take communion.  

It looked like one of them wasn’t going to be able to take communion.  Then all of sudden my wife reached forward, handed them her cup and raised her hand.  

My wife intentionally put herself out there to help those boys be able to take communion.

It was a picture of what you do when you support the ministry.

When you give of your finances you are taking from yourself to help kids know Jesus.

When you take time to pray for kids you are taking  time from yourself to help kids know Jesus.

Thank you for the sacrifices you make so the little ones can come to him.


Whether you are able to give once, or monthly, we thank you for your unwavering support. 


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