We need community more than ever

We need community more than ever

We need community more than ever


One day St. Peter died and appeared at the gates of heaven. While there, an angel said to him, “Would you like to see what separates heaven from hell?”

Peter said, “Sure.”

The Angel took Peter to hell. When they arrived there was a huge table with a feast of epic proportions. Anything you loved to eat was on that table. But the people around the table were snarling, complaining and absolutely miserable.

Peter couldn’t figure out why they would be so miserable with such amazing food. Upon closer inspection Peter saw extra-long forks attached to their arms that made it impossible for them to get the food to their mouths.

The angel then took Peter to heaven. Like in hell, there was a huge table with a feast of epic proportions. Again, anything you loved to eat was on that table. But this time, the people were laughing, smiling and having a joyful time.  

Yet, these people also had extra-long forks attached to their arms that made it impossible for them to get the food to their mouths.

The difference Peter noted was that the people in heaven were feeding each other.

In Philippians the apostle Paul says, “Be humble thinking of others better than yourselves.  Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.” (Phil.2:4)

When I think about the emphasis the Bible places on the unity of His people I can’t help but be concerned for today’s child. We live in such an individualistic, independent society that finding unity, and living in community is an increasingly rare concept, and it was amplified by covid isolation.

Last year, when I was teaching games at our church VBS I quickly learned that the kids did not know how to play team games. I would qualify my first day as the games leader as a disaster. 

However, when I shifted to individual games the next day, it was a “success”.

We don’t know if, when, or how, our society will go back to living in community the way it once did, but we do know that God did not create us to live so alone.  

We can help kids learn to live in community by providing them with opportunities to do so. Whether it’s a kids’ program at church, getting together at someone’s home, or going to camp, it all makes a difference.  


Whether you are able to give once, or monthly, we thank you for your unwavering support. 


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