The impact was exponential

The impact was exponential

The impact was exponential


When I started at CEF in 2005, I had no idea who CEF was or what they did. 

Today, I can’t count the number of people that I have met who said they were a summer missionary with CEF as a teenager or young adult, or attended a CEF 5-Day Club as a child. Many of them were, or are, serving as pastors, missionaries, children’s ministry leaders, active members of their church, or being used by God in the marketplace. 

I was amazed to see the impact being a part of CEF’s Summer Ministry had on their lives. Not only did the summer missionaries get equipped with tools they would use that summer, they would use these tools for life. 

The impact was exponential. 

Six of our current staff were former summer missionaries!

Tomorrow, (Sunday, July 2nd), we begin our Summer Missions Training (SMT) with 29 students, training up a new group of leaders for the kingdom. 

I am so excited to see how God is going to work in and through them this summer, and for the countless testimonies that will result for years to come.

We need to do everything we can to raise up the next generation! Would you pray for them as they serve Him this summer?


Whether you are able to give once, or monthly, we thank you for your unwavering support. 


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