Royal Coronation

Royal Coronation

Royal Coronation

Did you wake up at 5am last Saturday to watch the coronation of King Charles?


I was born and raised in the GTA, saw the royalty on our money, celebrated every Victoria Day and even know a little bit about England (Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, and those guys with the big black hats that you can’t make laugh).


Yet, I didn’t even know the coronation was happening.


I guess that’s not surprising given that in 1997 I was more devastated by the death of Chris Farley (it’s okay if you don’t know who he is), than I was by the death of Princess Diana (they died 4 months apart).


I apologize if you think I should care more.  I know someone who got up at 4:30am to watch the coronation and saw many friends on Facebook posting about it, but for some reason, it doesn’t mean very much to me, even though I learned about the “British rule” and frequently saw the Queen in the news.

Maybe it’s because I don’t understand how it impacts my life that I don’t appreciate it more.


Isn’t that a lot like the kids in our communities today? They grow up hearing about Christmas and Easter, they even get days off school for it; they might hear that Jesus was born or that Jesus died for them; they might even grow up in a Christian home hearing some of the stories from the Bible and going to church; they grew up with Christianity around them but don’t really care because they don’t see it matters to them.


And what about the kids who grew up with even less of it around them? There were a growing number of kids last summer who didn’t know what a Bible was and never knew who Jesus was.  


We can’t expect kids to get saved through osmosis, we need to be intentional about teaching them.

Doesn’t every child deserve a chance to know about the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords?


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