




As a small child I was taught to pray. I said my prayers at night and said grace before meals. As I grew I learned that I could pray when I was scared or needed help. I started praying for comfort and for my friends’ salvation. These are all important reasons to pray, but there is another reason that is perhaps even more important:  worship.

As I got older I learned a formula for praying that uses the acronym PRAY: Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield. This reminds us to begin with worshiping God and end with submitting to His will. It’s always important to think about WHO we’re talking to as we begin to pray.

Jesus taught us this in Matthew 6:9.

Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. 

Prayer should always include worship, but it’s valuable to spend some time in prayer with the singular goal of worshiping the One to whom you pray.

Hannah and Mary both worshiped God through prayer.

 Then Hannah prayed:

“My heart rejoices in the Lord!
    The Lord has made me strong.
Now I have an answer for my enemies;
    I rejoice because you rescued me.

No one is holy like the Lord!
    There is no one besides you;
    there is no Rock like our God.

1 Samuel 2:1-2

Mary responded, “Oh, how my soul praises the Lord.   

How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!  

Luke 1:46-47

The Psalms give us many more examples of prayers of worship. Start at Psalm 134 and keep reading through Psalm 150.

Spend some time today worshiping God in prayer. Sit in the wonder of who He is, marveling that He loves you and longs for fellowship with you.

I will exalt You, my God and King, and praise Your name forever and ever.  I will praise You every day; yes, I will praise You forever.  Psalm 145:1-2

Keep Seeking the Kingdom!

   Heather Penner

   Youth Ministries Director

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