Pray With Your Kids (#10 of 12 Things)

Pray With Your Kids (#10 of 12 Things)

Do you ever fear for the future of our kids?
Do you ever ask yourself what you can do to help them?
Over 12 weeks I’ll be sharing one thing you can do to help the kids in your life grow closer to God.

May God give you strength, wisdom, and joy as you reach tomorrow’s hero!

#10 of 12 Things 

Pray With Your Kids

Have you ever been in a small group, or sitting around the dinner table, and someone asks, “Who wants to pray?”  

What usually happens?  Dead silence.

Why?  Often it’s because of awkwardness; shyness; or not knowing how to pray. Eventually someone will pray, but oftentimes, it’s the same few people who will always do the praying.

You can help your kids overcome their awkwardness, shyness, or “not knowing how to pray” by inviting them to pray with you when the opportunities arise.

If someone in our family is sick we will ask one of the kids to pray with us.  Not sit silently while an adult prays, but to pray out loud as well.

When we are going for a long drive, or a vacation, we will ask who wants to pray when we leave the house.

At meal times we have a rotating schedule of who’s turn it is to pray (because they used to fight over who’s turn it is).  

For as much as you pray for your kids, ask them to pray for you as well.

When you pray with your kids, you’re modeling prayer for them.  It makes it a little easier for them to pray.

If your child is unsure about praying, encourage them to keep it simple.  Let them know one or two sentences is okay.  When they’re done praying, subtly encourage them and let them know they did it!  Over time, their confidence will build and they’ll find praying to be a natural part of their life.
Keep a prayer journal of the different things you and your kids have prayed about.  

Make sure to write down the answers to those prayers and talk about them as a family. This will help your kids know that God hears them and everyone will be encouraged to pray even more. 

*Miss one of the 12 Things? Visit our blog page for more

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