You Can Help Kids Understand the World

You Can Help Kids Understand the World

You Can Help Kids Understand the World


It’s a hard reality that our world is full of war, injustice and tragedy. It’s even harder when the news flows so easily and can be accessed in so many ways. It’s easy for our kids to hear about things they might not be ready for.  Even trying to make sense of what’s happening in Israel right now has been a topic of conversation around our dinner table.

They aren’t easy conversations to have. If you’ve been running into similar conversations here are few thoughts to keep in mind to help navigate the conversation:

  1. Maturity-appropriate conversations: Consider the maturity of your child and how much they can understand or really need to know.  

  2. Open and honest communication: Create a safe space where your child can feel safe asking questions. Respect each question, no matter how silly it might seem.  And if you don’t know the answer, it’s ok, let your child know you’ll look it up and get back to them.
  3. Monitor media exposure: Be aware of how your child is getting their information; what videos they watch; what websites they visit; the people who talk to them. By filtering the news for your child you can make sure they are getting the right information and minimize fear.
  4. Emphasize love and compassion: Remind your child that a Christians we are called to love and to care for those in need. If there’s a way your family can give financially through a reputable organization, help your child understand how the giving can make a difference.

  5. Pray Together: Pray with your child for the people affected by the conflict. Pray for peace and wisdom for the leaders. Even pray for the enemies, if there are enemies. Not only will this help deepen your child’s faith, it allows them to actively engage the situation in a meaningful way.

  6. Reiterate God’s Sovereignty: Remind your child that God is always in control, even when there’s war and natural disasters. Look at stories in the Bible where God was in control even though it didn’t look like it. Share personal testimonies of how God was still in control when you didn’t feel like He was. 

These conversations are never easy, but they are necessary. It’s okay if you don’t get it perfect, our great God goes before us, even He knew our children before we did, and He loves them even more than we do.  

Whether you are able to give once, or monthly, we thank you for your unwavering support. 


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