New Year

New Year

New Year 

The New Year is a symbol of new beginnings, renewed commitments and dreams waiting to be realized. Our shared dream? For every child in Ontario to have the opportunity to hear the gospel.


Your support helps bring us closer to the fulfillment of that dream. Although we are still a long way from fulfilling that dream, we can continue to press on because of you.

Thank you for your faithful giving in 2023. If you haven’t joined our team of monthly donors, would you pray about joining us? Monthly donations enable us to strategize, plan, and steward even more effectively.  


Not sure you can give monthly? Pray about joining our $12 for 12 team of donors. Commit to giving just $12 a month for 12 months. Before the end of the 12 months we’ll ask you if you want to continue. You can always cancel your monthly giving at any time.

But whether you are able to give once, or monthly, we thank you for your unwavering support. 

I hope your New Year is off to even better start than you could have asked for.

Whether you are able to give once, or monthly, we thank you for your unwavering support. 


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