Make time for God
This week we are pleased to have one of our engage CREW students contribute. Enjoy this devotional by Shaidyn Pharand:
Do you ever feel like there’s not enough hours in a day?
We all feel that at times. But it’s important to consider how you could improve on your bible reading. Do you spend “enough” time with God?
There’s never enough time spent with God because he gave us all our time.
But even so, God doesn’t want us to feel guilty or ashamed that we haven’t read our bible or prayed today. He doesn’t want you to read your Bible because you HAVE to.
Then you might ask, why read your Bible? Why pray? In John 14:15 Jesus says,
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”
All that you do is for God. You pray and read your bible to praise God. It is purely an act of love for Him. When you remember that as you’re doing your devotions, you will feel motivated to do them. You will start making time for God because you love Him. It won’t feel like a chore.
The beginning is always a struggle. Homework and other activities pile up. I’ve been there. We all have the same amount of hours in a day, time is not the problem. Make it a priority to spend time with God and do your devotions and you will suddenly have time for it.
Even if you start small, like reading one verse and praying about it, make God a priority each day of your life, not because you HAVE to, but because you LOVE Him.
“What are you going to make important in your life? Are you going to procrastinate God, or make Him a priority?”
Don’t wait, start today!
Keep Seeking the Kingdom!
Heather Penner
Youth Ministries Director