Life behind the scenes
When we think of ministry we tend to think about the people being reached, the people doing the ministering and the life change happening. We don’t always think about the people behind the scenes that make all of that ministry happen, our Operations Team.
Literature Manager and all things admin, Mariana Resendiz, shares a glimpse of what life is like behind the scenes and how she keeps going:
Working in the office as part of the Operations team is something I deeply enjoy. I like seeing a project finished and the impact it will have on the life of a child.
I am so amazed to see a family of believers with a passion to serve.
But working in the office can be trying and there are many times that I feel stretched.
Like the picture below, there are countless times I have something planned and it goes totally different.
Because our job is responsive we have to be prepared for change. Even though we’ve reacted to countless changes, it seems like there’s something new every time.
When things don’t go as planned, I am reminded of the purpose of our job and Colossians 3:23 “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though working for the Lord rather than people”.
I’m reminded He has a plan for everything and He is with us and will guide us through.
Maybe the day doesn’t go as planned, maybe things are stressful and overwhelming, but one thing is for certain, God is in control and He will provide His peace, His guidance and the strength to power through.
And it always helps to have wonderful co-workers that understand you! That is a blessing in itself!
And what a blessing it is to have those who faithfully serve behind the scenes.
Whether you are able to give once, or monthly, we thank you for your unwavering support.