Knowing the story made all the difference
Have you heard the ads on the radio for “Les Miserables”? Hearing the ads reminded me of my grade 8 teacher, Mr. Myers who took us on a class trip to watch it.
He had, what I thought at the time, was an unconventional way of introducing us to it. Once a week, he would go through a portion of the musical, explaining the story, and playing the songs, until we went through the entire thing.
I thought this was strange because knowing what was going to happen would “spoil” the musical.
I was wrong!
Knowing the story ahead of time actually allowed me to enjoy the musical on a deeper level than I expected. I was able to take in the music, the actors, the scenes, the special effects, and appreciate the overall production because my mind wasn’t spending mental energy trying to figure out the story or guess how it would end.
When the story would turn dark or discouraging, my emotions didn’t have to go all the way there because I knew hope was coming. It knew it wouldn’t end there.
Knowing the story made all the difference.
Knowing our Bibles should make all the difference. Knowing the Word of God can give us hope and encouragement in times of trial and sorrow. It doesn’t necessarily mean the pain will be any less, but we can walk through it with hope and assurance.
We know how the story ultimately ends.
I can’t understand how people make it through life without Jesus. Can you?
How different would life be to grow up with Jesus? Over two million kids -and each one has a name- grow up in Ontario without Him.
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