How my 8 year old unexpectedly connected her friends

How my 8 year old unexpectedly connected her friends

How my 8 year old unexpectedly connected her friends

Back in September my daughter, Cally, was having a birthday party. She decided she was going to invite both her school friends and her church friends.  

I was unsure of how it was going to go and a little nervous that someone would feel left out, or that the two groups would hang out at opposite ends of the room, like junior high boys and girls at a school dance.

I was ready to put my Camp Director hat on in case the above should happen.

Soon after the party started the girls all came to sit down around the kitchen table to eat pizza. I was about to start introductions when Cally says:

“Ok guys, we should introduce ourselves. Let’s start with saying your name and your favourite colour and we’ll go around the table.”

The girls did exactly that.

Turns out I didn’t need to put my Camp Director hat on, Cally was already wearing hers. I guess she’d been around the ministry long enough to learn that.  

I was reminded how much our children absorb, even when we’re not paying attention. And sometimes, when we’re not anticipating it, they’ll reflect what they’ve seen, for better, or for worse.

Let’s embrace the opportunity to be a positive influence to the kids God has put around us. You never know what difference it’s going to make.

And in case you’re wondering, Cally’s friends all had a great time…together.

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