Her Journey Isn’t Finished Yet

Her Journey Isn’t Finished Yet



Her Journey Isn’t Finished Yet

It was a crisp November afternoon when we took the campers on a hike through the woods. I was at the back of the group with my two daughters, enjoying a peaceful hike when I noticed Chloe starting to fall behind.

It wasn’t that Chloe couldn’t keep up, it was that she was stopping to hug just about every tree we were walking by. With each hug she would refer to each tree as an ancestral spirit. She would say things like, “Hi Uncle… “, and repeat the same thing to the next tree. What is she doing I thought?  How far is she from the truth of the gospel?

How did Chloe get to this place in her life?

As the camp director, I often find myself navigating the delicate balance between fostering a nurturing environment for growth and managing the challenges that inevitably arise. Each camper brings with them a unique set of experiences, personalities, and struggles, and as director, I feel it is my responsibility to do everything I can to make sure every child feels welcomed, loved, and accepted. If we can do this, then maybe their hearts will open to hearing the gospel.

Chloe had presented some unique challenges since her arrival at camp in the summer.  She seemed determined to defy every rule and avoid every opportunity for growth. Despite our best efforts to engage her and encourage her participation, Chloe remained aloof, indifferent to anything we would do or say.

So when the time came for our November weekend retreat, I tried to prepare myself for another round of resistance from Chloe. As the campers arrived and settled into their cabins, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of apprehension. Would this retreat be any different? Would Chloe’s heart finally be open to Jesus?

The first day of the retreat unfolded as I had expected. Chloe’s demeanor mirrored her past rebelliousness, her reluctance to engage evident in every interaction. But I began to notice subtle shifts.

As the weekend went on, I observed Chloe from a distance, watching as she tentatively interacted with the counselors and occasionally showed moments of openness. It was as if some curiosity had ignited within her. Though small, these glimpses offered a glimmer of hope, a reminder that life change is often a gradual and delicate process.

That evening, as the camp staff gathered for our daily debrief, we talked about what had happened with Chloe during the hike. We prayed earnestly for Chloe. We prayed for wisdom, patience, and compassion as we sought to guide her on a journey towards Jesus. We prayed for the Lord to soften her heart and open her eyes to the beauty of His truth. We prayed for His grace, His truth to work miraculously in her life.

On Sunday morning, as we gathered for chapel, the lesson focused on the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecies in Jesus, a message of hope and redemption . As chapel went on, I wondered if Chloe was receiving anything. Would Chloe’s heart be any different today?

And then, it happened.

In the middle of the lesson, Chloe’s hand rose tentatively into the air. It was a simple gesture that allowed us to see that change was happening in her heart!  To most, it was just another raised hand, but to me, it was a tiny miracle in this lost girl’s heart.

She started answering questions with confidence. She was tuning in to everything the teacher was saying, even looking up Bible verses that were mentioned.

You could see a new interest in the Bible and hunger for truth.

Chloe didn’t receive Jesus that day but I can’t stop thinking about the significance of her raised hand. She was one step closer to knowing Jesus.

As I write this I’m filled with gratitude for the opportunity to see God working in her life. And I’m thankful that her journey isn’t finished yet. God is still at work!

Whether you are able to give once, or monthly, we thank you for your unwavering support. 


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