Go Leafs Go?

Go Leafs Go?

Go Leafs Go?

When I was a pre-teen I heard a lot about the “end of the world” coming. I was scared. I often had that “dark” feeling in the pit of my stomach and had no idea what to do. 


I wasn’t even a Christian yet but I remembered praying, “God, please wait till the Blue Jays win the World series before you come back.”

The Blue Jays went on to win the World Series, twice in the next few years!  


Thankfully, for me, He didn’t come back. Phew!


A couple years later I became a Christian. Again, I was hearing more about the end of the world and got scared again.


This time I prayed, “God, please let me see the Toronto Raptors and the Toronto Maple Leafs win their championships before you come back.”

The Raptors were a new team, I figured the championship would be many years away. And the Leafs, well, they’re the Leafs, maybe Jesus would never come back if God answered my prayer.


As we know, in 2019 the Raptors won.  


And now…the Leafs have made it through the first round, it has only taken 19 years. Should we be nervous? Only if we don’t know Jesus.


As a pre-teen I was scared of the “end of the world” because I didn’t know Jesus. I had no idea who the Creator was or His promises.  


I’ve often wondered why I had to wait until I was sixteen years old to hear the gospel for the first time, but I’m thankful I have.


There are over two million kids in Ontario who don’t know Jesus, if we don’t tell them, who will?


Would you pray for the kids of Ontario today? Would you join our “Pray for Tomorrow’s Heroes” team? All you have to do is find two other people to pray with you, once a week, for five minutes, for the children.


Whether you are able to give once, or monthly, we thank you for your unwavering support. 


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