What is The RTH Journal.

It stands for Reach Tomorrow’s Hereos. It’s a theme here at CEFOntario.

We write and record what God places on our hearts to share with our visitors of this site.

You’ll find things that make you laugh, cry and may even challenge you at times.
Everything we put on this site comes from a place of love and helping reach kids with the gospel.



It could easily be said that Christian ministry is, or at
least should be, driven by prayer. It seems fitting,
then, that the first post on our blog is about prayer.
But does prayeractually make a difference? If God
already knows what we need, why do we need to
tell Him? If He is sovereign, why does prayer matter?


Let’em Ride Shotgun (#7 of 12 Things)

Do you ever fear for the future of our kids?Do you ever ask yourself what you can do to help them?Over 12 weeks I’ll be sharing one thing you can do to help the kids in your life grow closer to God. May God give you strength, wisdom, and joy as you reach tomorrow’s hero! #7 of 12 Things  Let’em Ride Shotgun   Doing ministry with your kids is a little like driving. When my kids were little they sat in the backseat. Talking to them was frustrating sometimes because we’d have difficulty hearing each other or seeing each other’s expressions.

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Build a Campfire (#6 of 12 Things)

Do you ever fear for the future of our kids?Do you ever ask yourself what you can do to help them?Over 12 weeks I’ll be sharing one thing you can do to help the kids in your life grow closer to God. May God give you strength, wisdom, and joy as you reach tomorrow’s hero! #6 of 12 Things  Build a Campfire   Who doesn’t love a good story? Stories inspire us, move us, and teach us. Stories are memorable. Jesus taught over thirty parables that people could relate to in his time on earth. Your life is a story that

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Pray for the Crew!

  Pray for the Crew! We’ve been talking about trust, our theme for summer ministry this year.  Each year we trust God to bring us enough Crew for summer ministry.  This year He brought us almost 30 faithful young people!   Each of these Crew trusted God enough to give Him their summer.  Each of these young people had other options for their time off school.  Some could have taken a job to earn money for university.  Others could have traveled or spent time with friends doing things they enjoy. But every one of them chose to serve God instead. 

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Point the Finger (#5 of 12 Things)

Do you ever fear for the future of our kids? Do you ever ask yourself what youcan do to help them? Over 12 weeks I’ll be sharing one thing you can do tohelp the kids in your life grow closer to God. May God give you strength, wisdom, and joy as you reach tomorrow’s hero! #5 of 12 Things  Point the Finger We love our kids and we want to do everything we can for them.  The reality iswe won’t always be there for them. Pointing them to Scripture when the opportunity presents itself will help themlearn to lean on the

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Consider the Lilies

  Consider the Lilies We saw last week that we trust God by having a firm belief in His reliability, truth, ability, and strength.  That trust often falls into one of two categories:  Trusting Him for our needs and trusting Him to get us through hard times.   With inflation through the roof it is easy to wonder how we’re going to manage financially.  We spend a lot of time figuring out the best way to earn money, and then how best to save and spend it so it will cover all our needs.  But God said we can trust

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