What is The RTH Journal.

It stands for Reach Tomorrow’s Hereos. It’s a theme here at CEFOntario.

We write and record what God places on our hearts to share with our visitors of this site.

You’ll find things that make you laugh, cry and may even challenge you at times.
Everything we put on this site comes from a place of love and helping reach kids with the gospel.



It could easily be said that Christian ministry is, or at
least should be, driven by prayer. It seems fitting,
then, that the first post on our blog is about prayer.
But does prayeractually make a difference? If God
already knows what we need, why do we need to
tell Him? If He is sovereign, why does prayer matter?


Take Ownership (#11 of 12 Things)

Do you ever fear for the future of our kids?Do you ever ask yourself what you can do to help them?Over 12 weeks I’ll be sharing one thing you can do to help the kids in your life grow closer to God. May God give you strength, wisdom, and joy as you reach tomorrow’s hero! #11 of 12 Things  Take Ownership Years ago, I was at church one Sunday when several kids were running wildly around the church after service with no parents in sight. After several minutes of this I overheard the church administrator say, “What are they teaching

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Who Am I?

Who Am I? The Search for Identity You’re no longer a child, but not quite an adult.  You share Biblical values with friends at church, and other ideals with friends at school. You’re bombarded with personalities, friends, celebrities, and influencers on social media.  And somewhere in the midst of all this confusion is you.  No wonder a sense of identity is so intensely sought after by teens. Do you relate to this struggle?  Are you trying to figure out who you are and where you fit in this multi-dimensional world?  Let’s untangle some of the confusion together. We’ll start by

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Pray With Your Kids (#10 of 12 Things)

Do you ever fear for the future of our kids? Do you ever ask yourself what you can do to help them? Over 12 weeks I’ll be sharing one thing you can do to help the kids in your life grow closer to God. May God give you strength, wisdom, and joy as you reach tomorrow’s hero! #10 of 12 Things  Pray With Your Kids Have you ever been in a small group, or sitting around the dinner table, and someone asks, “Who wants to pray?”   What usually happens?  Dead silence. Why?  Often it’s because of awkwardness; shyness; or

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Do the Devos! (#9 of 12 Things)

Left Align Text Do you ever fear for the future of our kids? Do you ever ask yourself what you can do to help them? Over 12 weeks I’ll be sharing one thing you can do to help the kids in your life grow closer to God. May God give you strength, wisdom, and joy as you reach tomorrow’s hero! #9 of 12 Things Choose Wisely! One of the biggest dilemmas I ever faced was when directing Camp Good News was what to do with a child when they misbehaved. On the surface, it should be fairly straightforward, break the

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Do the Devos! (#8 of 12 Things)

Do you ever fear for the future of our kids? Do you ever ask yourself what you can do to help them? Over 12 weeks I’ll be sharing one thing you can do to help the kids in your life grow closer to God. May God give you strength, wisdom, and joy as you reach tomorrow’s hero! #8 of 12 Things  “Do the Devos!” I haven’t met a parent who said doing daily devotions with their child was easy.  But, when they’ve made it a discipline, it gets easier. If you keep trying to find time to do daily devotions with

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