Passionate commitment

Passionate commitment

Passionate commitment

The phrase carries the idea of something that is so important to you, that you get very excited about and would stay up all night talking about, something that you put first.  When you’re busy you figure out how to make time for it.  You think about it often and want everyone around you to think about it too.  It isn’t just words, but action as well.

What is that thing for you?

What do you suppose it is for God?

We know God loves us and gave His son for us.  But listen to what Isaiah says.

His government and its peace will never end.  He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity.  The passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will make this happen!  (Isaiah 9:7)

He is talking about the coming of Jesus and the peace that He would bring.  Not only was God willing to do what He had to do to bring us eternal peace, He was passionately committed to doing it.

Why else would He make such an incredible sacrifice, sending His Son to a dark place where His glory is limited, to live a humble life and ultimately be tortured to death?  The only reason to do this willingly is passionate commitment to someone.  

And that someone is you.

The significance of Christmas is to remind us of God’s passionate commitment to us.

Think deeply on this passionate commitment this season as you celebrate Jesus coming to give His all for you.


Keep Seeking the Kingdom!

   Heather Penner

   Youth Ministries Director

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