Be Intentional (#12 of 12 Things)

Be Intentional (#12 of 12 Things)

Do you ever fear for the future of our kids?
Do you ever ask yourself what you can do to help them?
Over 12 weeks I’ll be sharing one thing you can do to help the kids in your life grow closer to God.

May God give you strength, wisdom, and joy as you reach tomorrow’s hero!

#12 of 12 Things 

Be Intentional

When I was at CEF’s Children’s Ministry Institute, there was a teacher there who would often ask, “How’s your Jesus muscles?” referring to your spiritual growth.  

Like bodybuilders have to be intentional about building their physical muscles, we have to be intentional about building our Jesus muscles.

Spiritual growth doesn’t just happen by itself, you have to work at it.

Just showing up at church on a Sunday won’t help you grow Jesus muscles, just like, just showing at a gym won’t make you stronger.

Helping your kids grow spiritually will take discipline, effort and sacrifice.  But as you can see from the list in this booklet, it doesn’t always have to be hard, and it can be fun.

If you’re feeling a little discouraged because you feel like you have so far to go, don’t be.  The fact you’ve got this far in the booklet means you’re serious about the spiritual growth of your child.  That’s a great first step in the right direction!

Bodybuilders don’t get their muscles overnight, they work at it over time.  

In the same way, don’t try to apply everything in this booklet at once.  Start with one thing.  As that becomes a part of your life add another.  

Parenting is hard.  Spiritual parenting in today’s world is incredibly hard.  Thankfully, we have a God who loves your child even more than you, and “His ways are higher than your ways.”

Just keep pointing your kids to Jesus and let God do the rest.

“Direct your children onto the right path and when they are older, they will not leave it.”

Proverbs 22:6


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