Have you ever looked at the world through a child’s eyes at a car wash? Water sprays harder at the car than any rainfall, colourful suds slide down the windshield, countless cloths slap at the window, and airplane engine loud dryers blast your vehicle. Was your child filled with wonder or fear? I remember at least two of our kids needing to be taken out of the car and held by my wife prior to a car wash.
Not long ago, my routine car wash morphed unexpectedly into a scary situation. My vehicle, secured on the automatic track, was suddenly inching toward a stopped car ahead of me that had suddenly come off the track. As the distance closed, I was concerned not just for a potential collision but also for the damage to the car in front of me for being off the track.
This moment of unease triggered a broader reflection.When secure in their faith, people will navigate their life with the confidence that comes from knowing Jesus, even through inevitable trials.
Conversely, not being on track with Jesus will bring unnecessary hardship, and likely eternal separation from God. This is why our commitment to help reach kids with the gospel is so important. This is why your unwavering support is so important.
Thankfully, the stopped car got back on the track before I hit it – kind of like how we want to see kids get (back) on track.
Let’s pray for Ontario’s children, today.
Write to us
“Have you ever experienced a spiritual encounter through an everyday situation? For example, like in this situation at the car wash?”
Your commitment to reaching kids with the gospel helps make this happen. Let’s continue to reach tomorrow’s heroes, together.